every burst of laughter is a victory.

a friend – who lives in very tough socioeconomic conditions – called me brimming with excitement, inviting me over to his house because he had to show me something. It turns out that my friend had run into “some cash” and bought a couple of huge speakers, those that make every house in the neighborhood vibrate, to throw some legendary parties.

I kept looking at his purchase, which came with colored lights, and I told him borderline outraged: “dude, what on earth is this? Where are your priorities? When you’re in trouble you’re going to eat these speakers. Don’t come calling for help.” You know, the usual thing we say even though we’re willing to do everything for those dear to us, without any need to ask.

His eyes got filled with sadness but retained an astonishing clarity, and he replied: “I’m well aware of everything, Jessica. But music makes me happy. It’s the only thing that makes me forget how I struggle day after day to make ends meet and that I’ll continue to be amongst the wretched of the Earth.”

There was nothing else to say. We both know that a poor person will not get rich through hard work and honesty. We leave that to the false rags-to-riches fairy tales that capitalism promotes to frustrate us even more. This is the bottom line: we work to survive, to feel the music, to give everything for our kids, and to laugh amidst hardship. And, at the same time, we struggle to make things change….

We laugh because that’s the only way to stay afloat. Amidst adversity, every burst of laughter is a victory. When times get tough, we should laugh non stop. The fight goes on.

From here: https://www.anarchistfederation.net/tales-of-resistance-why-do-the-poor-laugh

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